Shelf blades of all kinds, including shelf violators and shelf talkers, draw the eye. They help you highlight your product in a store aisle. These signs put it out in front of your competition!
Shelf Violators
Custom shelf violators and aisle violators are the same thing. They are commonly called shelf blade signs or aisle interrupters. They attach to the front of the gondola shelves in a store. These double-sided shelf signs mount perpendicularly to store shelves. Violators commonly span two or more horizontal shelves, taking up the maximum visual “real estate.”
Shelf Talkers
Shelf talkers, shelf danglers, and shelf wobblers are smaller signage that attaches to the shelves by clipping into the price channel that runs along the front of the shelf. Aisle or shelf talkers are small but effective attention-getters.
Best Practices for Designing Shelf Blades
The best aisle violators and shelf danglers are based on these principles:
- Made of sturdy material so it is not easily bent by customers
- Contains a clear, simple message that customers can grasp quickly
- Uses a high quality, colorful image to draw the eye
- Designed double-sided to deliver the message in both directions (for violators but not talkers)
We have an art department that works with you to create a high quality branding violators. This gets your message across and drives product sales.
Let Us Print Yours!
We’re pros at printing colorful custom shelf blades. Get a quote!
We also print all kinds of retail graphics. Check us out!